An argument used to justify baptizing Protestants and Roman Catholics although they were baptized in the name of the Trinity is that their understanding of the Trinity is not the Church's understanding of it.
Yet, the Ecumenical Councils told us not to rebaptize Arians and Macedonians coming to Orthodoxy.
An argument used to justify baptizing Protestants and Roman Catholics although they were baptized in the name of the Trinity is that their understanding of the Trinity is not the Church's understanding of it.
Yet, the Ecumenical Councils told us not to rebaptize Arians and Macedonians coming to Orthodoxy.
No serious person, steeped in the primary sources and not an ideologue, can honestly think that Protestant or Roman Catholic Trinitarian theology is further from Orthodoxy than that of the Arians and Macedonians. Making the Son or the Spirit creatures is a far more egregious and irreconcilable error than, say, the filioque's double procession error.
I am all for strictness in the reception of converts. But our akrivea should be in relation to strictly following the canons of the Ecumenical Councils which themselves express the patristic consensus and not in relation to following the few saints, fathers, and local councils who took an undifferentiated approach to receiving the heterodox into the Orthodox Catholic Church.
Exactly. This is why I’ve written against these individuals by name. Because they are peddling handpicked saints and canons... but not looking at what the church has received and proclaimed as a whole
An argument used to justify baptizing Protestants and Roman Catholics although they were baptized in the name of the Trinity is that their understanding of the Trinity is not the Church's understanding of it.
Yet, the Ecumenical Councils told us not to rebaptize Arians and Macedonians coming to Orthodoxy.
No serious person, steeped in the primary sources and not an ideologue, can honestly think that Protestant or Roman Catholic Trinitarian theology is further from Orthodoxy than that of the Arians and Macedonians. Making the Son or the Spirit creatures is a far more egregious and irreconcilable error than, say, the filioque's double procession error.
I am all for strictness in the reception of converts. But our akrivea should be in relation to strictly following the canons of the Ecumenical Councils which themselves express the patristic consensus and not in relation to following the few saints, fathers, and local councils who took an undifferentiated approach to receiving the heterodox into the Orthodox Catholic Church.
Exactly. This is why I’ve written against these individuals by name. Because they are peddling handpicked saints and canons... but not looking at what the church has received and proclaimed as a whole