From Fantasy to Phantoms: Imagination, God, and the Stories We Tell Ourselves | Theoria Podcast #7
Former occultist shares his thoughts
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Are games like Magic the Gathering harmless? Or could there be something more sinister lurking underneath the guise of the card game? Former occultist, Aaron joins me again to talk about how fantasy games can function as entry points into the occult. We also speak about the importance of story in forming identity.
*Point of clarification: we must be balanced in our approach. The idea that all fantasy or story is dangerous is not true. That some try to accuse Lewis or Tolkien of this is, in my opinion, ridiculous. That said, things like ouija boards that advertise that they’re a game… definitely don’t go there. As Aaron recalls, magic the gathering was another such game. Although I do not have any personal experience with this.
Prefer to watch the conversation? Check it out on YouTube.